AVALANCHE(AUS) / ANA(AUS) / The Monkey Temples / Oh! Friends

OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30

前売 ¥2,400+1Drink(¥600) / 当日 ¥2,900+1Drink(¥600)

Tickets Reservations for each performer/BuzzFront HP reservations

東狂アルゴリズム / STANCE PUNKS / ジュウ / LINK

OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00


チケットはこちらから! https://eplus.jp/tokyoalgorithm/

4 /07Mon

さかす(逃した魚) / JuN-YA(PxDxA) / ORDER

OPEN 18:30 / START 19:30

BAR入場…無料! Music Charge(ホール入場)…¥1,000-

BuzzFront presents its popular event series "Separate Ways." This event is free admission to the BAR! You can enjoy drinks and... This is a foreign style event where there is live music in the...

白昼堂々踊レ人類 / Raymond / The Whotens

OPEN 未定 / START 未定

前売 ¥2,400+1Drink(¥600) / 当日 ¥2,900+1Drink(¥600)

and more...? Tickets Reservations for each performer/BuzzFront HP

spike shoes / ATATA / FUCK YOU HEROES / STOMPIN' BIRD / [DJ]Yossy(EBM-Lab)

OPEN 17:00 / START 17:30


Recording party for spike shoes in Sendai, Japan! ticket / LivePocket : https://t.livepocket.jp/e/y6--f

OPEN 17:00 / START 17:30


-Act- Days Of Oblivion At One Stroke Alseid Elements 4 Upward Persona Non Grata Stained Unholy11 -DJ- den en chofu masa(View From The Soyuz) -Food- 佐々木燻